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16th Worldchampionship Shore Angling Seniors (FRANCE - Port d'Albret)
12th Worldchampionship Shore Angling Ladies (FRANCE - Port d'Albret)

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8th Worldchampionship Boat Angling Clubs ( CROATIA Rogoznica)



1st Day: Team - Individual
2nd Day: Team - Individual
3rd Day: Team - Individual


Résultats 1re manche: Individuel Equipe

Résultats 2e manche: Individuel Equipe

Résultats 3e manche: Individuel Equipe

Classement général :  Individuel   Equipe 


OFFICIAL STATEMENT  FIPS-M regarding Covid-19 (Corona Virus) 

Luxembourg, 9th March 2020

Dear leaders of the FIPS-M member federations,
Dear anglers,

Currently Covid-19 (Corona Virus) is spreading with alarming speed and is developing into a pandemic. Many national governments take even drastic measures to avoid the spreading and thereby the increasingly rapid contamination of more and more people.

It is in this perspective, to protect our anglers, their companions, their families as well as the organizers, and to avoid contributing to a spreading of the virus, that the FIPS-M Committee has taken the following decision:

ALL FIPS-M championships that were scheduled before September 2020 are postponed to a later date. Affected by this decision are: The World Shore Angling Championship for Pairs in Troia in Portugal (scheduled from March 21 to 28, 2020), The World Boat Angling Championship for Seniors in Blankenberge in Belgium (planned from 9 May 16, 2020) and the World Boat Angling Championship for Clubs in Puerto de Salines in Spain (scheduled from July 11 to 18, 2020).

At the end of June, the FIPS-M Committee, together with the CIPS, will study the situation to take decisions regarding the Championships scheduled for the end of the year.

We hope you understand this decision that was not easy to take. But the health of us all and the protection of more vulnerable persons must be our first priority.

Gilbert Zangerlé
President FIPS-M


pdf Official Statement

noel 2016

Christmass 2017 FIPS

The FIPS-M Board wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
A Year of Friendship, Joy, Peace, Good health, Tight Lines and Great Fishing


Christmas greetings 2019

Examples of Circle hooks allowed at the Shore Angling Championships in South Africa

circle hooks


Ronny De Ranter honored

FIPS M Meeting 19mars2022

During the annual meeting of the FIPS-M committee in Luxembourg, Mr. Ronny De Ranter was appointed Honorary Member of the Technical Commission for his valuable work as a member of the Commission and delegate to many Boat Fishing Championships. His experience and precious advice will always be welcome and appreciated by the entire FIPS-M family. Thank you Ronny for what you have done for FIPS-M.

  From the 8th to 15th of September the first European Championship- Drifting Boat Angling with Artificial Lures takes place in Darlowo (Poland) in the Baltic Sea. Participation and inscription information can be given by pzw_wroclaw@poczta.onet.pl.
As it is the first championship in this discipline the organizer must know as soon as possible the number of participating federations. If you intend to participate, please inform Mr Jurek Szczeciński as soon as possible. All inscription details can be send later to the Polnish Federation.