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Big Game Working Group meeting in Luxembourg from January 12 to 14, 2024

 BG Working Group 2024

A working group of experts has been appointed by FIPS-M to analyze and update the Big Game rules. The members of the group are: Tonci Luketa (Croatia), Stéphane Millez (Switzerland), Andy Atkins (England) and Mirko Eusebi (Italy). The first working meeting, attended by FIPS-M President Gilbert Zangerlé and FIPS-M General Secretary Attilio La Porta, took place in Luxembourg from January 12 to 14, 2024. Following constructive analysis and discussion, a first draft of the regulations was drawn up at the meeting. This draft will be finalized in forthcoming meetings by videoconference, for presentation at the FIPS-M 2024 General Assembly in Cape Town in April. FIPS-M thanks the group for its comitment and valuable work in the interests of Sport Fishing.

CIPS Athletes Commission’s Presentation

... your voice, your ideas, your commission ...

The CIPS Athletes commission was set up during the Prague conference in 2017. The task of this commission is to represent the anglers with the President of the commission having a seat on the CIPS Presidium. Our motto is your voice, your ideas, your commission. If you have any concerns or ideas you can contact via email all information received is confidential.


Members of the CIPS Athletes Commission:

  • Greig BROWN (President) (FIPSed/Channel Islands)
  • Ben Blegen (FIPSed/USA)
  • Misako ISHIMURA (FIPS-Mouche/Japan)
  • Ingvild Aurdal (FIPS-Mouche/Norway)
  • Benjamin Morga (FIPS-Mer/France)
  • Andrzej Jaworek (FIPS-Mer/Poland)

Annual FIPS-M Board Meeting in Luxembourg from February 15 to 17, 2024

Board February2024Fethi Bayar (TC LongCasting) - Arthur Van Tienen (TC Shore) - Carlos Vinagre (TC Boat) - Carlos Baptista (Vice-President Technical Commission) - Gilbert Zangerlé (President FIPS-M) - Claudio Matteoli (President CIPS) - Attilio La Porta (General Secretary) - Alberto Marchi (Vice-President Environment) - Juan Antonio Barreda (Vice-President Youth)

Board2 February2024

Age for participation at the Championships 2019


If the angler is born in 1997 he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 21 years à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (SHORE)
(Identical: between 1997 and 2001)

If the angler is born in 2002, he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 16 years à he can fish the whole year in the U16 (SHORE)

Age Shore 2019


The angler must be between 16 and 21 years old
= born between 1997 and 2003: he is at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) between 16 and 21 years old à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (BOAT)

Age Boat 2019

8th World Championship Long Casting of Sea Weights (Ladies)

5th - 12th November 2022

Asunción (Paraguay)



1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Groups Groups Groups
Teams Teams Teams


1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Individual Individual Individual
Teams Teams Teams
Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Teams Cumulated Teams Final

7th World Championship Shore Angling for Pairs

1st - 8th March 2025

Baia Domizia (Italy)



Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations
Individual Cumulated Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Nations Cumulated Nations Cumulated Nations Final


7th World Championship Long Casting of Sea Weights (Ladies)

21st - 28th August 2021

Coltano (Pisa) (Italy)



1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Groups Groups Groups
Teams Teams Teams


1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Individual Individual Individual
Teams Teams Teams
Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Teams Cumulated Teams Final


7th World Championship Shore Angling for MASTERS

19th - 26th October 2024

Paphos (Cyprus)



Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors
Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual
Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams
Individual Cumulated Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Teams Cumulated Teams Cumulated Teams Final

57th World Championship in Boat Angling for Seniors

24th September - 1st October 2022

Albufeira (Portugal)



1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Boats Boats Boats
Nations Nations Nations


1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Individual Individual Individual
Nations Nations Nations
Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Nations Cumulated Nations Final