Age for participation at the Championships 2019


If the angler is born in 1997 he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 21 years à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (SHORE)
(Identical: between 1997 and 2001)

If the angler is born in 2002, he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 16 years à he can fish the whole year in the U16 (SHORE)

Age Shore 2019


The angler must be between 16 and 21 years old
= born between 1997 and 2003: he is at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) between 16 and 21 years old à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (BOAT)

Age Boat 2019