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CIPS Athletes Commission’s Presentation

... your voice, your ideas, your commission ...

The CIPS Athletes commission was set up during the Prague conference in 2017. The task of this commission is to represent the anglers with the President of the commission having a seat on the CIPS Presidium. Our motto is your voice, your ideas, your commission. If you have any concerns or ideas you can contact via email all information received is confidential.


Members of the CIPS Athletes Commission:

  • Greig BROWN (President) (FIPSed/Channel Islands)
  • Ben Blegen (FIPSed/USA)
  • Misako ISHIMURA (FIPS-Mouche/Japan)
  • Ingvild Aurdal (FIPS-Mouche/Norway)
  • Benjamin Morga (FIPS-Mer/France)
  • Andrzej Jaworek (FIPS-Mer/Poland)