Congress2018 USA

Invitation and Documents: English - Français

(FIPS-M documents for the General Assembly 2018 will be sent by email to the Member Federations)

Christmass 2017 FIPS

The FIPS-M Board wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
A Year of Friendship, Joy, Peace, Good health, Tight Lines and Great Fishing


25th World Championship Shore Angling Ladies

4th - 11th November 2017

Langebaan (South Africa)


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations
Individual Cumulated Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Nations Cumulated Nations Cumulated Nations Final

34th World Championship Shore Angling Seniors

4th - 11th November 2017

Langebaan (South Africa)


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual
Nations Nations Nations Nations Nations
Individual Cumulated Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Nations Cumulated Nations Cumulated Nations Final


10th World Championship Boat Angling Clubs

30th September - 7th October 2017

Igalo (Montenegro)



1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Boats Boats Boats
Clubs Clubs Clubs


1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Individual Individual Individual
Clubs Clubs Clubs
Clubs Cumulated Clubs Final



1st World Championship Shore Angling Masters

30th September - 7th October 2017

Peniscola-Castellon (Spain)


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors Sectors
Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams


Practice Day 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day
Individual Individual Individual Individual Individual
Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams
Individual Cumulated Individual Cumulated Individual Final
Teams Cumulated Teams Cumulated Teams Final


20th World Championship Long Casting of Sea Weights (Seniors)
4th World Championship Long Casting of Sea Weights (Ladies)

in Calais from 16th to 23th September 2017

LC FINAL Teams Seniors


Seniors: 175g 150g 125g 100g FINAL (Seniors)
Ladies:     125g 100g FINAL (Ladies)
Teams (Seniors): 175g 150g 125g 100g FINAL (Teams)


26th World Championship Big Game Trolling
16th - 23rd September 2017     Albufeira     Portugal



Results: DAY1   DAY2    DAY3   FINAL RESULT

Age for participation at the Championships 2019


If the angler is born in 1997 he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 21 years à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (SHORE)
(Identical: between 1997 and 2001)

If the angler is born in 2002, he has at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) 16 years à he can fish the whole year in the U16 (SHORE)

Age Shore 2019


The angler must be between 16 and 21 years old
= born between 1997 and 2003: he is at the beginning of 2019 (1 January 2019) between 16 and 21 years old à he can fish the whole year in the U21 (BOAT)

Age Boat 2019

noel 2016

37º Congresso CIPS Setúbal


14 au 17 avril 2016 à Setubal (Portugal)

Assemblée Générale FIPS-M : Vendredi 15 avril 2016