Hubert RIPR.I.P

FIPS-M in deep mourning

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Mr. Hubert Waldheim, President of FIPS-mer. Hubert was wise and open minded President. He would listen to everyone and always act for the best of the federation. He did not want to offend anyone and his decisions were always careful and well-reasoned.

His heart beat was FIPS-M, and with his foresight he has guided the Federation safely through many storms. The whole family of sea anglers is mourning for him.

We will keep Hubert in mind as a good Friend and great President of FIPS-M. It was an honor to work with Hubert.

Our condolences go to the family of Hubert.


Annonce Hubert WEB

 LW Annonce