Big Game Working Group meeting in Luxembourg from January 12 to 14, 2024

 BG Working Group 2024

A working group of experts has been appointed by FIPS-M to analyze and update the Big Game rules. The members of the group are: Tonci Luketa (Croatia), Stéphane Millez (Switzerland), Andy Atkins (England) and Mirko Eusebi (Italy). The first working meeting, attended by FIPS-M President Gilbert Zangerlé and FIPS-M General Secretary Attilio La Porta, took place in Luxembourg from January 12 to 14, 2024. Following constructive analysis and discussion, a first draft of the regulations was drawn up at the meeting. This draft will be finalized in forthcoming meetings by videoconference, for presentation at the FIPS-M 2024 General Assembly in Cape Town in April. FIPS-M thanks the group for its comitment and valuable work in the interests of Sport Fishing.